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Keynote 2: Deborah Hellman
Session 3: Fairness in Computer Vision and NLP
Session 4: Fair Classification
Session 5: FAT Recommenders, Etc.
Keynote 1: Latanya Sweeney
Session 1: Online Discrimination and Privacy
Session 2: Interpretability and Explainability
Tutorials 1
Tutorials 2
Lightning Talks
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Recent Posts
The ML Production Readiness of Tesla’s Autopilot
FAT* 2018 Conference Notes, Day 2
Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification (data)
Analyze, Detect and Remove Gender Stereotyping from Bollywood Movies
Mixed Messages? The Limits of Automated Social Media Content Analysis
The cost of fairness in binary classification
Decoupled Classifiers for Group-Fair and Efficient Machine Learning
A case study of algorithm-assisted decision making in child maltreatment hotline screening decisions
Fairness in Machine Learning: Lessons from Political Philosophy
Runaway Feedback Loops in Predictive Policing (code)
All The Cool Kids, How Do They Fit In?: Popularity and Demographic Biases in Recommender Evaluation and Effectiveness (code)
Recommendation Independence (code)
Balanced Neighborhoods for Multi-sided Fairness in Recommendation
FAT* 2018 Conference Notes, Day 1
Potential for Discrimination in Online Targeted Advertising
Discrimination in Online Personalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry
Privacy for All: Ensuring Fair and Equitable Privacy Protections
“Meaningful Information” and the Right to Explanation
Interpretable Active Learning (code)
Interventions over Predictions: Reframing the Ethical Debate for Actuarial Risk Assessment
Quantifying and Reducing Gender Stereotypes in Word Embeddings
Understanding the Context and Consequences of Pre-trial Detention
21 Fairness Definitions and Their Politics
Auditing Black Box Models
People Analytics and Employment Selection: Opportunities and Concerns
A Shared Lexicon for Research and Practice in Human-Centered Software Systems
Navigating Mapbox and Mapzen
PlaNet: Classifying Planets with Neural Networks
Installing Python and TensorFlow on Yeti
Python Setup
Bazel Setup
TensorFlow Setup
Testing TensorFlow
Observations from the New York Scientific Data Summit
Sagan Exoplanet Workshop Day 1
dotAstronomy Day 1
James Webb Space Telescope and Astronomy
Open Source Hardware in Astronomy
Citizen Science with the Zooniverse: turning data into discovery (Oxford)
Gaffa tape and string: Professional hardware hacking (in astronomy)
Open Science with K2
There is no such thing as a stupid question comic book
Astronomy projects for the blind and visually impaired
NOAO Data Lab
Classifying Stellar Bubbles
The Pynterferometer
A short history of JavaScript
Asteroid Day – June 30th, 2016
Thoughts on the Potential of Open Data in Cities
Future Outlook
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